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"Impact of sphingomyelin acyl chain (16:0 vs 24:1) on the interfacial properties of Langmuir monolayers: A PM-IRRAS study"
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"Volume expansion of erythrocytes is not the only mechanism responsible for the protection by arginine-based surfactants against hypotonic hemolysis"
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"Interaction of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles and Specific Proteins of the Corona Studied by Surface Plasmon Resonance"
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M.P. Quiroga Argañaraz, J.M. Ramallo-López, G. Benítez, A. Rubert, E.D. Prieto, L.M. Gassa, R. C. Salvarezza y M.E. Vela.
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"Synergetic Light-Harvesting and Near-Field Enhancement in Multiscale Patterned Gold Substrates".
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"Self-assembled monolayers of thiolates on metals: A perspective article on sulfur-metal chemistry and surface structures".
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"Boundary region between coexisting lipid phases as initial binding sites for Escherichia coli alpha-hemolysin: A real-time study".
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"Strong correlation between molecular configurations and charge-transfer processes probed at the single-molecule level by surface-enhanced raman scattering".
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"The electrochemistry of nanostructured Ni-W alloys".
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"Silver deposition on polypyrrole films electrosynthesized in salicylate solutions".
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"Photoactive layer-by-layer films of cellulose phosphate and titanium dioxide containing phosphotungstic acid".
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"Surface Chemistry of 4-Mercaptobenzoic Acid Self-Assembled on Ag(111) and Ag Nanoparticles".
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