"Detection of carvacrol in essential oils by electrochemical polymerization"
Bertuola M., Fagali N., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.
Heliyon (2020) vol. 6 e03714
DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03714.
"Synergistic effect of carboxypterin and methylene blue applied to antimicrobial photodynamic therapy against mature biofilm of Klebsiella pneumoniae"
Gaspar Tosato M., Schilardi P., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M., Thomas A.H., Lorente C., Miñán A.
Heliyon (2020) vol. 6 (3): e03522.
doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03522
"Characterization and antimicrobial effect of a bioinspired thymol coating formed on titanium surface by one-step immersion treatment"
Gonzalez A., Miñán A.G., Grillo C.A., Prieto E.D., Schilardi P.L., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.A.
Dental Materials (2020)
"Bioactivity enhancement of cerium-containing titanium oxide nanotubes. Relationship between surface reactivity and nanostructuring process."
Gravina A.N., Rubert A.A., Bertuola M., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.A.
Surface and Coatings Technology (2019) Volume 378,124968
"Eradication of burst release of copper ions from copper-bearing IUDs by a phytocompound-based electropolymeric coating"
Bertuola M., Grillo C.A., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.A.
Materials Letters (2019) Volume 252, Pages 317-320
"Corrosion protection of AZ31 alloy and constrained bacterial adhesion mediated by a polymeric coating obtained from a phytocompound"
Bertuola M., Miñán A., Grillo C.A., Cortizo M.C., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.A.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, (2018) Volume 172, Pages 187-196
"Self-sterilizing ormosils surfaces based on photo-synzthesized silver nanoparticles"
Gonçalves L.P., Miñán A., Benítez G., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M., Vela M.E., Schilardi P.L., Ferreira-Neto E.P., Noveletto J.C., Correr W.R., Rodrigues-Filho U.P.,
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2018) Volume 164, Pages 144-154
"Comparative study of transdermal drug delivery systems of resveratrol: High efficiency of deformable liposomes"
Gaspar Tosato M., Maya Girón J.V., Martin A.A., Krishna Tippavajhala V., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M., Dicelio L.
Materials Science and Engineering: C (2018) Volume 90, Pages 356-364
"Resveratrol enhancement staphylococcus aureus survival under levofloxacin and photodynamic treatments"
Tosato M., Schilardi P., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M., Thomas A., Miñán A., Lorente C.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (2018) 51(2) 255-259
"Is the biocompatibility of copper with polymerized natural coating dependent on the potential selected for the electropolymerization process?"
Bertuola M., Grillo C.A., Pissinis D.E., Prieto E.D., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2017) Volume 159, Pages 673-683,
"Is there any difference in the biological impact of soluble and insoluble degradation products of iron-containing biomaterials?"
Fagali N.S., Grillo C.A., Puntarulo S., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele M.A.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2017) Volume 160, Pages 238-246
"Degradation of bioabsorbable Mg-based alloys: Assessment of the effects of insoluble corrosion products and joint effects of alloying components on mammalian cells"
Grillo C., Alvarez F., Fernández Lorenzo De Mele M.
Materials Science and Engineering C (2016) 58 372-380
"Polyethylene glycol-coated blue-emitting silicon dots with improved properties for uses in aqueous and biological environments"
Rodríguez Sartori, D., Lillo, C.R., Romero, J.J., Laura Dellarciprete, M., Miñán, A., Fernández Lorenzo De Mele, M., Gonzalez, M.C.
Nanotechnology, Volume 27, Issue 47, 24 October 2016, Article number 475704
"Impact of molecular structure of two natural phenolic isomers on the protective characteristics of electropolymerized nanolayers formed on copper"
Bertuola, M., Pissinis, D.E., Rubert, A.A., Prieto, E.D., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, M.A.
Electrochimica Acta, Volume 215, 10 October 2016, Pages 289-297
"Reduction of copper ions release by a novel ecofriendly electropolymerized nanolayer obtained from a natural compound (carvacrol)"
Bertuola, M., Grillo, C.A., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, M.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 313, 5 August 2016, Pages 262-271
"Delivery of fluorophores by calcium phosphate-coated nanoliposomes and interaction with Staphylococcus aureus biofilms"
Rivero Berti, I., Dell’ Arciprete, M.L., Dittler, M.L., Miñan, A., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, M., Gonzalez, M.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 142, 1 June 2016, Pages 214-222
"The importance of 2D aggregates on the antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus sessile bacteria"
Miñán, A., Schilardi, P.L., Fernández Lorenzo De Mele, M.
Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 61, 1 April 2016, Pages 199-206
"Time-Lapse Evaluation of Interactions between Biodegradable Mg Particles and Cells"
Alvarez, F., Lozano Puerto, R.M., Pérez-Maceda, B., Grillo, C.A., Fernández Lorenzo De Mele, M.
Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 22, Issue 1, 1 February 2016, Pages 1-12
"Effective inhibition of the early copper ion burst release by purine adsorption in simulated uterine fluids"
Alonso, C., Casero, E., Román, E., Campos, S.F.-P., De Mele, M.F.L.
Electrochimica Acta, Volume 189, 20 January 2016, Pages 54-63
"Degradation of bioabsorbable Mg-based alloys: Assessment of the effects of insoluble corrosion products and joint effects of alloying components on mammalian cells"
Grillo, C.A., Alvarez, F., Fernández Lorenzo De Mele, M.A.
Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 58, 1 January 2016, Pages 372-380
"Photodynamic inactivation induced by carboxypterin: a novel non-toxic bactericidal strategy against planktonic cells and biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus"
Miñán, A., Lorente, C., Ipiña, A., Thomas, A.H., Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, M., Schilardi, P.L.
Biofouling, Volume 31, Issue 5, 28 May 2015, Pages 459-468
"Cytotoxicity of corrosion products of degradable Fe-based stents: Relevance of pH and insoluble products".
N. Fagali, C.A. Grillo, S. Puntarulo y M. Fernandez Lorenzo.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 128, 480-488 (2015).
"Cellular response to rare earth mixtures (La and Gd) as components of degradable Mg alloys for medical application".
C.A. Grillo, F. Alvarez y M. Fernández Lorenzo de Mele.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 117, 312-321 (2014).
"Synergistic cytotoxic effects of ions released by zinc-aluminum bronze and the metallic salts on osteoblastic cells".
C.A. Grillo, M.L. Morales, M.V. Mirífico y M.A. Fernández Lorenzo De Mele.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A 101 A (7), 2129-2140 (2013).
"Electrochemical assessment of biomaterial surfaces using the mini-cell system".
W.D. Müller, L. Nascimento y M.F.L. de Mele.
IFMBE Proceedings 33 IFMBE, 180-183 (2013).
"Decrease in cytotoxicity of copper-based intrauterine devices (IUD) pretreated with 6-mercaptopurine and pterin as biocompatible corrosion inhibitors".
F. Alvarez, C. Grillo, P. Schilardi, A. Rubert, G. Benítez, C. Lorente y M.F.L. de Mele.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5 (2), 249-255 (2013).
"Assessment of cellular efect in the vicinity of Mg, AZ31 and ZEK100 alloys".
C.A. Grillo, F. Álvarez, W.D. Müller y M. Fernandez Lorenzo de Mele.
European Cells And Materials 26 (5), 2013 (page 42)