"Terpolymer-chitosan membranes as biomaterial"
María Leticia Bravi Costantino, María Soledad Belluzo, Tamara G. Oberti, Ana M. Cortizo, María Susana Cortizo.
Journal of Biomedical Material Research Part A, (16 August 2021)
"Thermoresponsive behavior of scaffolds based on fumarate-N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers for potential biomedical applications."
M. Leticia Bravi Costantino, Tamara G. Oberti, Ana M. Cortizo & M. Susana Cortizo
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (21 Jun 2021)
DOI: 10.1080/00914037.2021.1931206
"HEMA and alginate-based chondrogenic semi-interpenetrated hydrogels: synthesis and biological characterization."
María Luz Torres, Tamara Gisela Oberti & Juan Manuel Fernández
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, (2021) 32:4, 504-523
DOI: 10.1080/09205063.2020.1849920
"Nanobiocomposite based on natural polyelectrolytes for bone regeneration"
M. Soledad Belluzo, Lara F. Medina, M. Silvina Molinuevo, M. Susana Cortizo, Ana M. Cortizo
Journal of Biomedical Material Research Part A,Volume108, Issue 7 July 2020 Pages 1467-1478
"Osteogenic scaffolds based on fumaric/N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers: Designed, properties and biocompatibility studies"
M. Leticia Bravi Costantino, M. Susana Cortizo, Ana M.Cortizo,Tamara Oberti
European Polymer Journal, Volume 122, 5 January 2020, 109348
"Dioctyl fumarate-co-vinyl benzoate copolymers preparation and their performance as flow improvers in waxy crude oils"
Vladimir Coussirat, Fernando Amarilla, Pablo J.Peruzzo, M. Susana Cortizo
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Volume 182, November 2019, 106290
"Matrices based on lineal and star fumarate-metha/acrylate copolymers for bone tissue engineering: Characterization and biocompatibility studies"
M. Leticia Bravi Costantino, Tamara G Oberti, Ana M. Cortizo, M. Susana Cortizo
Journal of Biomedical Material Research Part A, Volume 107, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages 195-203
"Synthesis and Properties of Fumaric Copolymers as Potential Bitumen Modifiers"
Oberti T., Larsen D., Cortizo M.
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials Volume 58, 2019 - Issue 4
Pages 443-453
"Nanostructured fumarate copolymer-chitosan crosslinked scaffold: An in vitro osteochondrogenesis regeneration study"
Lastra M, Molinuevo M, Blaszczyk-Lezak I, Mijangos C, Cortizo M.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A Volume 106, Issue 2, February 2018
Pages 570-579
"Preparation, characterization, and in vitro activity evaluation of triblock copolymer-based polymersomes for drugs delivery"
Besada L., Peruzzo P., Cortizo A., Cortizo M.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2018) 20(3) 1-12
DOI: 10.1007/s11051-018-4169-7
"Biodegradable polymers for bone tissue engineering"
Cortizo M., Belluzo M.
Springer International Publishing, (2017), 47-74
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61288-1_2
"Risedronate transdermal delivery system based on a fumaric copolymer for therapy of osteoporosis"
Pasqualone M., Andreetta H., Cortizo M.
Materials Science and Engineering C (2017) 76 652-658
DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2017.03.147
"Fumarate Copolymer–Chitosan Cross-Linked Scaffold Directed to Osteochondrogenic Tissue Engineering"
María Laura Lastra, María Silvina Molinuevo, Ana María Cortizo and María Susana Cortizo
Macromolecular Bioscience (2017) 17(5)
DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201600219
"Ultrasonic compatibilization of polyelectrolyte complex based on polysaccharides for biomedical applications"
Belluzo, M.S., Medina, L.F., Cortizo, A.M., Cortizo, M.S.
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Volume 30, May 2016, Pages 1-8
"Tautomerizable β-ketonitrile copolymers for bone tissue engineering: Studies of biocompatibility and cytotoxicity".
M.L. Lastra, M.S. Molinuevo, J.M. Giussi, P.E. Allegretti, I. Blaszczyk-Lezak, C. Mijangos y M.S. Cortizo.
Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 51, 256-262 (2015).
"Solvent effect in keto–enol tautomerism for a polymerizable β-ketonitrile monomer. Spectroscopy and theoretical study"
Juan M. Giussi, Belén Gastaca, Martín J. Lavecchia, Mercedes Schiavoni, M. Susana Cortizo, Patricia E. Allegretti
Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1081, 5 February 2015, Pages 375–380
"Tautomeric acetoacetate monomers as building units of functional copolymers".
J.M. Giussi, I. Blaszczyk-Lezak, B. Sanz, P.E. Allegretti, C. Mijangos y M.S. Cortizo.
European Polymer Journal 59, 84-93 (2014).
"Fumarate/ceramic composite based scaffolds for tissue engineering: evaluation of hydrophylicity, degradability, toxicity and biocompatibility".
J.M. Fernández, M.S. Cortizo y A.M. Cortizo.
Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 4(3), 227-234 (2014).
"Effect of polymer structure on the molecular dynamics and thermal behavior of poly(allyl acetoacetate) and copolymers".
K. Grzybowska, Z. Wojnarowska, A. Grzybowski, M. Paluch, J.M. Giussi, M.S. Cortizo, I. Blaszczyk-Lezak y C. Mijangos.
Polymer 55(4), 1040-1047 (2014).
"In-situ polymerization of styrene in AAO nanocavities".
J.M. Giussi, I. Blaszczyk-Lezak, M.S. Cortizo y C. Mijangos.
Polymer (United Kingdom) 54(26), 6886-6893 (2013).
"Tautomerizable styrenic copolymers confined in AAO templates".
J.M. Giussi, I. Blaszczyk-Lezak, P.E. Allegretti, M.S. Cortizo y C. Mijangos.
Polymer (United Kingdom) 54 (18), 5050-5057 (2013).
"Fumarate copolymers-based membranes overlooking future transdermal delivery devices: synthesis and properties".
M. Pasqualone, T.G. Oberti, H.A. Andreetta y M.S. Cortizo.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 24(7), 1683-1692 (2013).